Global perspectives

OECD Forum Series: "Healthcare in the Digital Age"

  The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a strong impetus to accelerate the digitization of healthcare. From early warning tools to improved diagnostic capabilities and personalized treatments, there are few areas where artificial intelligence and digital technologies have greater potential than healthcare. With

2020-11-27T15: 50: 24 + 03: 0027 November 2020|

The road to a people-centered, inclusive and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: OECD launches Center for Welfare, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunities (WISE)

  COVID-19 reshapes our world and affects the well-being of each of us, from health, financial security and human interaction to trust in others and institutions. This crisis also reveals and amplifies the social and economic disparities that dominate society, affecting in particular the most vulnerable categories. It didn't exist

2020-11-27T16: 01: 47 + 03: 0026 November 2020|

The goods barometer signals a resilience of trade in the context of concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic

  World trade in goods appears to have recovered strongly after the decline in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is unclear whether this growth can be sustained in the future, according to the latest trade barometer of goods. World Trade Organization

2020-12-02T11: 17: 23 + 03: 0025 November 2020|

Solid political action is still needed to combat uncertainty

  States have begun to recover to some extent from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but increases in the number of infections in some regions show us how fragile and uncertain this recovery can be. The good news is the progress made in developing vaccine. Although the process is not

2020-11-25T20: 04: 57 + 03: 0020 November 2020|

The economic decline generated by COVID-19 will last much longer than the health crisis

  Global markets and population morale are boosted by news that two vaccines against COVID-19 are more than 90% in clinical trials. However, while a solution to the health crisis is looming, a UNCTAD report, published on November 19 this year, warns that an effective vaccine does not

2020-11-25T20: 05: 16 + 03: 0020 November 2020|

WTO report: Trade restrictions narrowed among G20 countries in the context of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world economy

  The most recent World Trade Organization (WTO) report on the trade activity of the G20 states reveals a reduction in the number and extent of measures to restrict trade in goods implemented between May and October 2020, mainly due to a sharp decline in trade. globally recorded after the outbreak

2020-11-25T20: 02: 59 + 03: 0020 November 2020|

UNCTAD estimates: Global maritime trade will decline by 4.1% in 2020

  Global maritime trade will decline by 4.1% in 2020 due to supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, UNCTAD estimates in a report on the impact of the pandemic on maritime transport. The pandemic has severely affected supply chains, shipping networks and ports, leading to declining freight volumes

2020-11-25T20: 01: 39 + 03: 0012 November 2020|

New IFAC President Alan Johnson and CEO Kevin Dancey call for renewed commitment to global collaboration

  In an article signed by Alan Johnson, the new president of IFAC, and Kevin Dancey, CEO, they emphasize the importance of global collaboration to counter the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to IFAC management, the pandemic tested our ability to work together, and the results were daunting. Looking to the future, issues such as climate change do not

2020-11-12T17: 01: 16 + 03: 0012 November 2020|

The services sector is essential for the post-COVID-19 economic recovery

  In order to achieve a sound economic recovery, central governments need to consider the services sector as a key element of their policy mix. Services play an important role in increasing productivity, efficiency and effectiveness throughout the economy. Globally, the services sector accounts for two-thirds of economic output, over

2020-11-12T17: 00: 35 + 03: 0011 November 2020|

The Deputy Director-General of the WTO discusses the subject of multilateral cooperation with the leaders of international agencies

  At the meeting of the UN Executive Board of Directors on 6 November this year, the Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Alan Wolff, emphasized the importance of reviving international trade cooperation to accelerate the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. supporting economic recovery and improving economic growth

2020-11-12T16: 59: 23 + 03: 0011 November 2020|
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