Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2), a biological virus that has a major impact on the health of people around the globe, is increasingly turning into an economic virus, with a major impact on the health of health of the business and the business environment in general. Aware of our role as trusted advisors to entrepreneurs, we, the professional accountants members of CECCAR, are at the forefront in the fight against the economic effects of Coronavirus and for identifying solutions to quickly cure business in the public interest, like doctors at the forefront with the biological virus. THE BODY OF EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS OF ROMANIA (CECCAR) has developed this dedicated website, with essential resources, guidance and advice, to help organizations and individuals demonstrate their ability to adapt and manage this rapid evolution. , to turn challenges into opportunities. Together, we can help strengthen business resilience in response to the disruptions caused by COVID-19.
Superior Council, CECCAR
Vicepreședinte, prof. univ. dr. Robert-Aurelian Șova, expert contabil

Profesioniștii, în interes public – invitat: Daniel Cadariu
Professionals, in the public interest - guest: Adrian Câciu
International resources
National resources