Global perspectives

Baza de date a OCDE privind redresarea verde: Analizarea implicațiilor de mediu ale politicilor de redresare în urma COVID-19

  În faza incipientă a pandemiei de COVID-19, multe state și-au luat rapid angajamentul de a asigura o „redresare verde” prin intermediul pachetelor de stimulente pe care le pregăteau. Pe măsură ce cheltuielile de salvare și redresare au crescut, a devenit din ce în ce mai dificil de stabilit care va

2021-05-06T11:05:01+03:006 May 2021|

The Commission is proposing a VAT exemption for vital goods and services distributed by the EU in times of crisis

  The European Commission proposed on 12 April to exempt from VAT the payment of goods and services which, in times of crisis, are made available to Member States and citizens by the EC, EU bodies and agencies. This approach comes in response to the experience gained during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021-04-13T17: 36: 32 + 03: 0013 April 2021|

The road to a green, resilient and inclusive recovery

  The COVID-19 pandemic has generated an unprecedented health, economic and social crisis for the current generation. It threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of people globally, increasing poverty and inequality, causing a decline in development in recent decades. To direct us to a

2021-04-12T15: 24: 15 + 03: 0012 April 2021|

Rethinking the indebtedness system: financing the future in the context of the crisis

  The World Bank invited many experts to a debate on the prospects for a new global debt architecture on Wednesday, April 7, 2021. Guests discussed lessons learned from past restructuring efforts, the role of the private sector, and the increased need for transparency regarding indebtedness. Minister of

2021-04-08T11: 38: 38 + 03: 00April 8, 2021|

Global trade is poised for a strong but non-uniform recovery following the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic

  The outlook for a recovery in global trade has improved, as trade in goods expanded faster in the second half of last year than expected. According to new World Trade Organization (WTO) estimates, the volume of trade in goods will increase by 8% in 2021, after

2021-04-02T18: 05: 03 + 03: 001 April 2021|

The global economy receives a dose of vaccine through the US stimulus package, but pre-existing conditions worsen

  The global economy is expected to grow by 4.7% this year, above September 2020 estimates (4.3%), in part due to a stronger recovery in the United States, where progress in vaccine dose distribution and a new package of financial incentives worth $ 1.9 trillion

2021-03-24T17: 53: 32 + 03: 0024 March 2021|

The Commission's report confirms SURE's success in protecting jobs and income

  The European Commission has published the first preliminary impact assessment of SURE, the € 100 billion instrument designed to protect jobs and incomes from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the findings of the report, SURE managed to mitigate the severe socio-economic impact generated by the COVID-19 crisis. Through this

2021-03-24T17: 53: 15 + 03: 0024 March 2021|

How the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a crossroads in digital and online commerce

  In the coming years we will look back to 2020 as a time that changed everything. In no other area has there been an unprecedented increase such as that in the digital sector and online commerce, which exploded during the crisis.

2021-03-16T12: 49: 02 + 03: 0016 March 2021|

Supporting jobs and companies: A bridge to recovery

  One year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the future certainly looks brighter, but it is not yet time to withdraw policies to support the population and the business environment. Even though the labor force figures in many countries look better than in the second quarter

2021-03-15T12: 19: 38 + 03: 0012 March 2021|

The goods barometer signals a short-term recovery in trade in services, but long-term outlook remains unclear

  Following a sharp drop during the global pandemic, world trade in services appears to be recovering, according to the latest World Trade Organization Service Trade Barometer, which has risen above the recent trend. However, the vulnerability of some areas of activity,

2021-03-15T12: 20: 09 + 03: 0012 March 2021|
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