Study on accounting education in the context of COVID-19
Accounting Education recently published a study on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response to its management in the field of accounting education in the opinion of 66 respondents from 45 states. The analysis highlights both the common problems in crisis management and the different responses to them. They are also highlighted
How is tomorrow's accountant defined?
The COVID-19 pandemic has created difficulties for every business, non-governmental organization and for every government. As these entities have had to adapt quickly to the transformations in the digital field, related to the workforce, and the challenges that have endangered them even the simplest
Public investment for recovery
Globally, governments are taking extraordinary steps to provide answers to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a focus on managing health emergencies and supporting individuals and businesses, governments need to prepare economies for the transition to post-COVID-19, including by reviving the labor market. Public investment plays a role
Q&A on the COVID-19 pandemic and trade
World Trade Organization (WTO) Deputy Director-General Alan Wolff attended the Geneva Trade Week event on 2 October this year, where he answered a number of questions about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on world trade and the role of the WTO in managing the crisis generated by it. With
Extending support for a safe and sustainable recovery of tourism
Tourism is an important engine of the world economy, covering 7% of international trade. Globally, tourism generates, directly or indirectly, one in ten jobs. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the tourism sector, with unprecedented consequences for jobs and business. Tourism sector
COVID-19: Urgent government financial reforms for a sustainable future
The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the biggest challenges governments have ever faced. Managing both the health and economic crisis resulting from this pandemic involves short, medium and long-term efforts. The effects of this pandemic will be felt dozens of times