Global perspectives

How is tomorrow's accountant defined?

  The COVID-19 pandemic has created difficulties for every business, non-governmental organization and for every government. As these entities have had to adapt quickly to the transformations in the digital field, related to the workforce, and the challenges that have endangered them even the simplest

2020-10-06T15: 20: 18 + 03: 006 October 2020|

Public investment for recovery

  Globally, governments are taking extraordinary steps to provide answers to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a focus on managing health emergencies and supporting individuals and businesses, governments need to prepare economies for the transition to post-COVID-19, including by reviving the labor market. Public investment plays a role

2020-10-06T15: 17: 55 + 03: 006 October 2020|

Q&A on the COVID-19 pandemic and trade

  World Trade Organization (WTO) Deputy Director-General Alan Wolff attended the Geneva Trade Week event on 2 October this year, where he answered a number of questions about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on world trade and the role of the WTO in managing the crisis generated by it. With

2020-10-06T15: 17: 43 + 03: 006 October 2020|

Extending support for a safe and sustainable recovery of tourism

  Tourism is an important engine of the world economy, covering 7% of international trade. Globally, tourism generates, directly or indirectly, one in ten jobs. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the tourism sector, with unprecedented consequences for jobs and business. Tourism sector

2020-10-06T15: 17: 32 + 03: 006 October 2020|

COVID-19: Urgent government financial reforms for a sustainable future

  The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the biggest challenges governments have ever faced. Managing both the health and economic crisis resulting from this pandemic involves short, medium and long-term efforts. The effects of this pandemic will be felt dozens of times

2020-10-06T10: 56: 58 + 03: 005 October 2020|

G20 call for action: Building public sector resilience must be part of pandemic recovery

  The COVID-19 pandemic has clarified the need for well-funded and properly managed public institutions. In the context of huge public spending, public sector responsibility has become a much more important point in the relationship between governments and citizens. Building a strong public sector requires the contribution of a large number of parties

2020-10-05T10: 34: 51 + 03: 002 October 2020|

WTO Deputy Director-General notes importance of transparency and cooperation in managing pandemic challenges

  According to WTO Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Alan Wolff, members are looking at ways to adapt global trade rules to better manage future pandemics, including improving information sharing on measures taken, promoting open dialogue on common problems encountered and limitation of duration

2020-09-16T16: 36: 42 + 03: 0016 September 2020|

Ensuring sustainable financing. Promoting a global approach

  Globally, governments are facing the unprecedented impact of two simultaneous crises, the public health crisis and the economic crisis. The ongoing pandemic and the impending economic recession require government intervention, which will affect public finances for a long time. Good financial management

2020-09-16T16: 36: 48 + 03: 0016 September 2020|

Cross-border mobility, COVID-19 and global trade

  The World Trade Organization (WTO) has issued a new report on how restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic on cross-border mobility affect global trade. The report details the important role that cross-border mobility of individuals plays in both the provision and consumption of

2020-08-27T14: 58: 48 + 03: 0027 August 2020|

Guide to strategic financial planning

  As organizations review their business strategies, strategic planning for 2020-2021 must adapt to new circumstances and target a longer-than-usual period of several months or a maximum of one year. The business environment is changing far too fast and too radically for the old ones

2020-08-27T14: 58: 07 + 03: 0026 August 2020|
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