Global perspectives

Funding from the Pan-European Guarantee Fund for companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

  The European Commission has agreed that the Pan-European Guarantee Fund will provide funding of up to € 200 billion to companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 21 Member States. This state aid will benefit especially SMEs, which were the most

2021-01-28T18: 10: 05 + 03: 0015 January 2021|

World Bank Report: Global Economic Outlook

  Following the devastating health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economy appears to be emerging from one of the largest recessions it has experienced and to begin a slow recovery process. Beyond the short-term economic outlook, this edition of the World Bank's Perspective report

2021-01-28T18: 08: 27 + 03: 0015 January 2021|

Global Economy Outlook: Forecasts for 2021

  Predicting future events is an important step for businesses and governments intending to develop future plans. PwC identifies a number of trends that will dominate 2021 economically. These include rapid but uneven economic growth in various sectors of activity and

2021-01-28T18: 06: 51 + 03: 0012 January 2021|

The WTO has updated the report on trade in medical goods in the context of COVID-19

  The new World Trade Organization (WTO) report presents preliminary trade statistics from 97 economies and compares data from January-June 2020 with the same period in 2019. It includes a special case study on masks, an intensely marketed product that it has become the most visible symbol

2021-01-28T18: 04: 28 + 03: 0024 December 2020|

UNCTAD presents policies that can lead to a recovery from COVID-19

  As the world struggles to cope with the severe effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on health systems and economies and gathers its last forces for the second wave, there is an urgent need for solutions. A new UNCTAD report, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trade

2020-12-10T17: 16: 08 + 03: 0010 December 2020|

Improving production facilities in the world's poorest countries for a stronger recovery

  According to the UNCTAD 2020 Report on the Least Developed Countries Report 2020, efforts to rebuild the economies of these countries (LDS) will fail if their production facilities are not improved. UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi said the development of production facilities

2020-12-07T14: 21: 20 + 03: 007 December 2020|

Supporting SMEs' access to finance through professional counseling

  In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis, measures have been taken at European and national level to support SMEs. However, many of these measures are quite complex, and SMEs may need help accessing them in a

2020-12-07T14: 20: 51 + 03: 007 December 2020|

COVID-19 affects the poorest population more strongly, but massive testing can be helpful

  Globally, poor communities have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a higher infection rate and death rate. Measures to prevent the spread of the virus have had adverse effects on these low-income and jobless communities.

2020-12-07T14: 20: 15 + 03: 007 December 2020|

3 ways to fight corruption and restore trust in the leadership

  As we identify the necessary ways out of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare the conditions for recovery, we must also focus on the old challenges that will influence this recovery, in particular the fight against corruption and efforts to build greater confidence. in institutions in the systems

2020-12-07T14: 19: 04 + 03: 003 December 2020|

How can artificial intelligence be a force for good

  The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has tragically reminded us that nature can be ruthless. Only human ingenuity and goodwill can improve and protect the living standards of billions of people. Today, much of this ingenuity is involved in an epoch-making revolution: transforming an analogous world into one.

2020-12-07T14: 18: 18 + 03: 003 December 2020|
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