Firmele mici rămân cei mai de încredere consilieri ai IMM-urilor în timpul pandemiei

  Desemnată Ziua Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii de către Organizația Națiunilor Unite (ONU), 27 iunie are încă o semnificație anul acesta. În fiecare jurisdicție, întreprinderile mici și mijlocii (IMM-urile) continuă să sufere în mod disproporționat din cauza crizei economice generate de pandemia de COVID-19. Întrucât IMM-urile s-au bazat întotdeauna pe consilierii

2021-07-01T10:08:28+03:0022 June 2021|

De la criză la redresare: prioritățile sectorului public pentru sprijinirea redresării în urma COVID-19

  Sectorul public este o prioritate majoră pentru IFAC și profesia contabilă globală. Profesioniștii contabili deservesc interesul public, așadar, cei care lucrează în sectorul public s-au aflat în centrul acțiunilor de răspuns la pandemia de COVID-19, având un rol esențial în oferirea de consultanță către autorități și în adoptarea deciziilor importante,

2021-05-20T17:22:54+03:0020 May 2021|

The economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has had discriminatory consequences, and our response should be adequate.

  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every corner of the world and all walks of life, and its impact will be felt for many decades. One of the most important consequences is the impact on gender inequality, which has spread over this period, despite decades of efforts.

2021-03-10T22: 17: 48 + 03: 0010 March 2021|

Accountants, a key role in the implementation of sustainable development goals in the post-COVID-19 era

  The global spread of COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for UN Member States in meeting their commitments under the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which address issues such as reducing global poverty, achieving gender equality, institutional transparency and climate change mitigation. At the same time, the pandemic of

2021-02-25T17: 42: 28 + 03: 0025 February 2021|

The public sector's fight against two pandemics: COVID-19 and public procurement corruption

  At the beginning of the pandemic, Kristalina Georgieva, the director of the International Monetary Fund, urged national administrations to allocate the necessary amounts to actions to save and protect the lives of citizens, but without compromising the rules of transparency and accountability, which must, regardless of context, to govern any initiative initiated

2021-01-28T18: 13: 33 + 03: 0028 January 2021|

New IFAC President Alan Johnson and CEO Kevin Dancey call for renewed commitment to global collaboration

  In an article signed by Alan Johnson, the new president of IFAC, and Kevin Dancey, CEO, they emphasize the importance of global collaboration to counter the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to IFAC management, the pandemic tested our ability to work together, and the results were daunting. Looking to the future, issues such as climate change do not

2020-11-12T17: 01: 16 + 03: 0012 November 2020|

October 16, World Ethics Day: Ethics and Distance Learning in the Pandemic Context

  Corporate ethics is an amplification of conduct at the individual level. The individual conduct of employees, from management to basic level, can sustain or damage the reputation of an organization, its ability to attract investors, to retain customers, etc. Organizations that succeed in implementing a code of ethics

2020-10-29T13: 06: 05 + 03: 0028 October 2020|

Call for action for the G20 on prioritizing regulatory cooperation

  In June 2020, the World Bank released its latest report on the global economic outlook, which presented a shocking conclusion: the crisis generated by COVID-19 is the worst crisis in eight decades, despite all the support policies implemented. Accordingly, IFAC appeals to decision makers

2020-10-27T16: 14: 45 + 03: 0020 October 2020|

How is tomorrow's accountant defined?

  The COVID-19 pandemic has created difficulties for every business, non-governmental organization and for every government. As these entities have had to adapt quickly to the transformations in the digital field, related to the workforce, and the challenges that have endangered them even the simplest

2020-10-06T15: 20: 18 + 03: 006 October 2020|

COVID-19: Urgent government financial reforms for a sustainable future

  The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the biggest challenges governments have ever faced. Managing both the health and economic crisis resulting from this pandemic involves short, medium and long-term efforts. The effects of this pandemic will be felt dozens of times

2020-10-06T10: 56: 58 + 03: 005 October 2020|
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