• World Economic Forum

Perspective pesimiste privind redresarea economiei mondiale, potrivit unui sondaj al Forumului Economic Mondial

  Doar unu din 10 experți mondiali intervievați de Forumul Economic Mondial (World Economic Forum) consideră că redresarea globală se va accelera în următorii trei ani, iar majoritatea experților cred că, în următorii trei ani, redresarea economică globală va fi volatilă și neuniformă, arată cea de-a 17-a ediție a Global Risks

2022-01-20T10:29:38+03:0020 January 2022|

3 ways to fight corruption and restore trust in the leadership

  As we identify the necessary ways out of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare the conditions for recovery, we must also focus on the old challenges that will influence this recovery, in particular the fight against corruption and efforts to build greater confidence. in institutions in the systems

2020-12-07T14: 19: 04 + 03: 003 December 2020|

Jobs Reset Summit: The impact of technology and COVID-19 on the way we work

  Between October 20-23, 2020, the World Economic Forum organizes the Jobs Reset Summit, an event that discusses issues such as creating decent jobs, redefining education, reinventing social contracts and relaunching the global economy. "We have long feared that technology will take our jobs. Now we face

2020-10-27T16: 21: 08 + 03: 0020 October 2020|

Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum: We must give up neoliberalism in the post-COVID-19 era

  Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, analyzes, in an article recently published on the Pandemic Forum platform, the change of ideological paradigm in the post-COVID-19 era. According to him, the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world in unprecedented ways since the world wars, affecting all aspects of life. For the sustainable development of

2020-10-20T11: 09: 39 + 03: 0015 October 2020|
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